All the performers including me have experienced a skipped heartbeat before every dance performance. The first step on stage has always given me a positive vibe and motivated me to be on top of my game. A performer learns from a number of lessons before and during their performance. 

 Here are a few tips for all budding dancers to follow before you step on stage and give a mindblowing performance.

Plan a week before your dance performance

The Event during your dance performance date is always planned at least a month before. So, it is always better to plan your performance at least a week before. Along with the rehearsals, costume trials, health check-ups, and salon appointments are equally necessary for any performance. Make a priority checklist and get them done.

It creates a psychological impact on yourself and you automatically start thinking about your performance. It is the same as a bride having to do a lot of things before her big day. So, Consider your every performance as your big day and rush to a salon right now!

Eat, but do not starve

We all dancers are a bit anxious before every performance, but eating will totally reduce your panic. I’m not saying to hog yourself with food, but at least eat something and stay hydrated. 

There are times when you have to travel a lot before your dance performance and you get no other choice but to eat out. So, you can pack your lunch and a few snacks where you can eat and not end up having stomach issues. Having a small box of dried fruits gives you instant energy and controls your hunger pangs. 

Never Have aerated drinks or soda before your dance performance, it will give acid refluxes and can make you feel bloated. Instead, just plain water or some flavoured water will work.

But remember only flavour not fizz!

Take a power nap

A power nap is very essential before any performance. It is like starting a new day. An hour of power nap can easily boost your energy level and help you bang on the stage. 

Power nap has other benefits like calming your stage phobia or helping you focus. If you are struggling with stage phobia and afraid of performing on stage in front of hundreds of people, I have shared another blog post about how to overcome stage phobia. This might help you!

So, a small power nap will definitely keep you away from yawning and feeling cranky before your Performance.

No Phones or gadgets before your dance performance

This is the tip that most of them may not like. But, it sounds very unprofessional if you are dug into your phone before any performance. It is absolutely Okay to keep your phone aside for at least an hour before you step on the stage.

 When your mind is distracted by the posts, and buzzing notifications, you won’t be able to concentrate on your performance. It is, therefore, best that you should switch off your phone before your performance, or handover to your friend to answer any emergency phone calls.

Value the people Involved

An event is a team-built activity. It involves the organisers, volunteers, artists, workers, outsourced members and most importantly the audience. When an artist gives his best on the stage it is a victory and worth of effort of each and every member involved in that event. 

So, it is the best thing that you should value every person who is involved in that event. I have learnt from my mentors that an artist should be humble before a dance performance. I have treasured this learning and I’m proud to share this on the platform.

Check each and every technicality

Technology has now become an inevitable aspect of our lives, especially the performers. So, always check each and every aspect before you start the show. For dancers, Check whether you are able to list the music as audible and clear. 

Also, check the Centre of the stage and the lighting arrangements. It is also better to check the type of stage if you are a dancer. 

Check if there is any open nail or glass on the dance floor. I have been injured badly before my dance performance as there was a glass of broken light on the floor. So, from my experience, I would humbly request all the dancers to note this down.

These small technical checks give a performer a clear idea of what kind of performance it is going to be, and any flaws or inconveniences will be resolved immediately. 

Hide a Water Bottle with a Straw near your stage

I know it sounds weird, so why place a water bottle with a straw? Drinking with a straw will avoid spillage in a hurry. So, that is the trick I have been using for the last 20 years. You always need to hydrate in between your dance performances so sipping little water will revive your energy levels and you will return like a fireball on stage. 

A Small Warm up before a dance Performance is a must

My dance teacher always used to tell me that I must sweat a little bit before my actual dance performance. So, It is best to do some warm-up exercises with stretching is a crucial way to follow before you start with your actual performance.

In a nutshell, A performance Is a huge event for every performer no matter what art form you are choosing. So, a Checklist of some simple tasks will make your work hassle-free and you will be able to focus only on the quality of your dance performance.


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