When I hit puberty, I was shooting for a film with a troupe of 200 dancers. I had no other choice but to dance during periods. That was such a nightmare experience for me. As I had no rest and had to dance for 8-9 hours in the Sun, completely dehydrated and tired, that took a toll on my health the next month, when I was chumming. 

I was lying in bed, I couldn’t move. Cramps were the worst and was close to being hospitalized. That was because of the high level of exhaustion and I did not take proper care.

However, that is a completely different scenario.

If you take proper care and hygiene, you can definitely dance even while you are on your period. In fact, dance is such a blessing that will help you to get through these tough times and result in a rewarding experience.

So, After a long intro let’s dive into how dancing can make you feel good during that time of the month.

Benefits of dancing while on periods

Every girl faces periods and every girl experiences them on different levels. Some are easygoing while some are monsters. I belong to the second type. Cramps and a bad mood always make me cranky and grumpy. 

But, dancing for one minute enlightens me and makes me forget about that painful part for some time. 

The first and foremost benefit of dancing while you are chumming is they release ‘Happy Hormones’.

What are happy hormones?

The happy hormones are the ones which secrete in your body after you exercise. They enlighten your mood and make you feel joyful and satisfied.

These are three happy hormones:

  1. Endorphins: They help you to boost your mood and help you to reduce mood swings
  2. Dopamin: The rush results in a feeling of well-being and joyful
  3. Serotonin: They are a mood stabilizer and will keep you away from being a monster!

 These three hormones secrete and run in your body after any physical movement like walking, running exercising, or even dancing. 

So, in order to boost your mood, just play some groovy music and start grooving!

Dance during periods

Increase blood flow

Any kind of exercise or workout whether it is dancing or walking helps you in increasing your blood flow. The better the circulation to your body, the better is your health. Increased blood circulation results in flushing the toxins and deoxygenated blood from your body and supplying fresh oxygenated blood with nutrients. 

Therefore, good oxygenation supply results in glowing skin. Which means, no more acne and dull skin. 

Improves flexibility

A little bit of movement during periods helps you in improving flexibility. This acts as a pain killer and keeps you fresh and movable all day. However, you must avoid difficult and complicated dance moves which provide pain and discomfort. 

Tips to follow while you are dancing in periods

  1. Proper hygiene and care are a must. Always use good quality sanitary pads or tampons based on your comfort. Nowadays, period panties are also available in the market and online. They keep you comfortable and you need not worry about stains.
  2. Drink an ample amount of water. Hydration is the key to reducing menstrual cramps and helping you stay energetic
  3. Do not dance if you are facing too much pain or you are feeling dizzy. It is always our health first.
  4. Try some simple dance moves at first. Once you get comfortable then try with some complex ones.
  5. Have a dancing partner. It is always a great way to share some quality time.
  6. Wear comfortable clothes. If you are looking for some comfortable clothes for a dance workout, Here’s a blog for all Zumba lovers.
  7. Eat a good amount of nutrients and healthy sugars like fruits. Avoid eating junk and sugary drinks during periods.
  8. Stretch a little bit after you dance to avoid muscle cramps and soreness.
  9. And last, of all, stay happy!

To summarize, the period is a blessing given to every woman. So, take it positively and reward yourself with something special. So, next time while you are down, just play some music and start moving!


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