We all are experiencing a scorching summer and quenching thirst by two-three glasses of water is not enough. And if you are a dancer, you must have optimum hydration. So, how much water a dancer should have on a daily basis?

A dancer based on her physical activity should consume at least 2-3 liters of water every day. However, this intake varies by geographical location and physical activity. However, in order to overcome dehydration and fatigue a dancer must have a minimum of 2.5 liters on average. 

Now let us know some homemade drinks or options to stay hydrated for dancers, we’ll first dive into the benefits of proper hydration for dancers.

At the end of the blog, you will get a free printable water tracker for a healthy life and glowing skin.

Benefits of hydration for dancers

  1. Keeps you high-level active. When a dancer performs or practices, they experience a large amount of water loss through sweat. So, proper hydration revives your water loss and keeps you away from getting fatigued.
  2. Washes away toxins. We all inhale and intake a number of toxins in our body and they travel in our organs and bloodstream. Impure blood results in acne on the face, hair fall, and dull skin. Drinking an ample amount of water flushes the toxins out of the body resulting in healthy and clear skin, shiny hair, and a glowing complexion. So, grab a glass of water for that beautiful face. 
  3. Overcomes muscle soreness. This is what my trainer always tells me. Drinking lots of water washes the lactic acid released at the muscles causing muscle soreness. That’s why whenever I get muscle cramps in my calf or arms I just start drinking some water.
  4. Healthy teeth. Dentists recommend drinking water as it cleans your oral cavity. Food particles mainly sugar in teeth may lead to cavities, losing their enamel, and bad breath. So, grab water for a dazzling smile.
  5. Reduce body odor. Dancers have to go through this all the time. And body odor due to sweat is a nightmare. However, a good amount of water intake reduces the secretion of toxic odor released from our body and acts as a natural odor repellent.

Hydration alternatives for dancers

 Drinking water all the time may lead to monotony and boredom due to being tasteless. So, here are some great options, that a dancer can opt for and still feel hydrated and energetic.

  1. Coconut water. Freshly cut tender coconut water along with its coconut meat is a great way to stay hydrated. It is rich in potassium and minerals that keep you away from fatigue and muscle loss.
  2. Buttermilk. A traditional drink commonly found in Indian homes is curd. Adding lots of water with your flavors like cummin powder, or mint leaves makes the best hydrating drink for dancers.
  3. Lemonades. Any type of lemonade with chia seeds and mint leaves adds a cooling effect 
  4. Fresh fruit juices. Freshly cut and blended fruit juices are a great option to gain those natural sugars. Do not opt for processed juices that come in bottles and packages. Because they contain a lot of added sugars and preservatives that are harmful to our bodies.
hydration tips for dancers

 Things to avoid for dancers

  1. Caffeine. Caffeine intake can be limited up to 1-2 cups daily but is not an alternative water hydration. The side effects of overconsumption may lead to yellowing of teeth, hyperacidity, weakening of bones, loss of appetite, irritability, and insomnia(loss of sleep)
  2. Fizzy drinks. The carbonated drinks are a big no-no if you are training for dance, as over time they weaken your bones, along with hyperacidity and fatigue.
  3. Packaged drinks and energy drinks. The preservatives in such drinks are harmful and may lead to bad health.
  4. Alcohol. It is always said that alcohol is a life-threatening substance and is strictly prohibited if you are practicing dance for better well-being.

In a nutshell, a dancer must make a habit of staying hydrated every day. However, reminding ourselves to drink water every day seems pretty daunting. That’s why I got a free printable water tracker to track your water intake and feel hydrated every day.

You just have to download the PDF file and put it near your eyesight. Once you gulp a glass of water, just color the drop. And then reward yourself once you finish coloring all the drops.

And don’t forget to mention your water intake achievement story on Instagram and Mention me as well.

Here’s my Instagram account.

Click here to download a PDF of a printable water tracker for dancers to stay hydrated and glowing.

So, let us start hydrating ourselves and set a habit for a better and happy life.

1 Comment

Basic Skincare Tips for dancers for smooth skin - dancerpens.com · September 25, 2023 at 9:16 AM

[…] Of course, there is. Number one. Water! Water solves 50% of all your skin problems. I have written a separate blog on Hydration Tips for dancers. Check it out! […]

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