Have you ever noticed that some dancers or athletes experience a snapping and popping sound at the hip region? Sounds scary right? This condition is commonly called a dancer’s hip. In this small blog, you’ll get a brief idea about why such a snapping sound is seen in dancers and what is the treatment for such a condition.

What is a dancer’s hip?

A dancer’s hip is nothing but a medical condition commonly seen in dancers or athletes, where they can feel or palpate snapping or popping sounds while they flex their hip joints.  

In clinical terms, it is also called a Snapping hip. 

Causes of Dancer’s Hip

The most common cause of a dancer’s hip or snapping hip is tightness in the muscles and in tendons that surround the hip joint. The common sites where you feel the snapping is outside the hip, front side or back side where maximum movement is done.

Prognosis of Dancer’s hip

Most of the time the player or dancer may not even feel it as it is not that painful. Although it doesn’t make any difference just popping or prolonged snapping may cause a condition called bursitis.

 A bursa is a fluid-filled sac or cavity that helps in cushioning the bone and makes movement smooth. Inflammation in such an area may lead to inflammation and pain while moving the hip joint.

In rare cases, a dancer’s hip may also loosen the cartilage.


The snapping hip syndrome may include symptoms such as:

  1. Clicking or popping sound or palpation while you move your hip joint.
  2. Swelling and pain and the hip region
  3. Tightness at the hip region while movement
  4. Weakening of legs


It is highly necessary to consult your doctor if you experience pain or discomfort while moving your leg. The doctor usually prescribes physical therapy where you can free the muscles of the quadriceps and hamstrings and help in enhancing movement. 

Also, there are some home remedies that can help you in reducing pain or discomfort.

One is cryotherapy. Which means applying something cold to reduce pain and swelling.

Here’s a small tip while applying ice packs to your site. It is always advisable to wrap the ice pack into a cloth or napkin to avoid ice burn. And do not exceed your ice application for more than 15 mins. 

dancer's hip

Prevention of dancer’s hip

Stretching after the workout is the most crucial preventive measure for a dancer’s hip. Along with stretching, the leg muscles should gain some power and strength. Therefore, a good weight-bearing workout is a must for a strong lower body. The use of weights, therabands, and sandbags will definitely help you gain strength and help you stay away from the dancer’s hip.

In a nutshell, any condition is to be treated and diagnosed as soon as possible to prevent further complications. So, if you are experiencing a dancer’s hip, you must visit your doctor and start with proper treatment.


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