A dance performance is incomplete without its exterior sources. However, there are exceptional cases like the mime act. A dancer also thinks about the surrounding aspects which in ancient terms is known as ‘Aharya abhinay’. This includes the set, backdrop, costumes, and hand-held objects. This blog will help you dive into how props and objects play an important role in enhancing a dance performance.

Why use props?

Back in history, props are used as an immensely important part of a theatrical performance. If we turn the pages of our classical dance, A brass plate called “Tarangam” is used in the Kuchipudi dance style. Where the dancer balances herself standing on the edges of the plate with a brass or clay pot balancing on her head. This balancing act not only adds uniqueness to the dance style but also beautifies the dancer’s gestures.

There are a lot of such examples of utilizing props and objects during a dance performance.

Let us first understand why these props are used during dance performances.

  1. They add beauty to the dance gestures and movements.
  2. Props are a great way to make formations in group dances
  3. To grab the audience’s attention
  4. Some mime gestures are hard to understand. That’s why using the object or prop itself distracts the audience from imagination and helps them focus on the performance.
  5. Props are a great source of storytelling.
  6. The dancer can use it as support like levels, and for time laps or storytelling
  7. The colorful objects grab the attention of the audience and add a pop to the dull background.
  8. Some props are small hand-held instruments, so they add rhythm to the performance.
  9. Some use costumes as a prop which gives uniqueness to the dance style.
  10. And last, of all, they connect the audience by adding relatable objects.

Types of props

There are major three types of objects, The set or backdrop, The costume, and small hand-held objects.

The set or backdrop enhances the dull and dark stage with a pop of color. It is just like our home. Plain white walls look dull but a small frame or painting also enhances the beauty of the house and gives a cozy atmosphere.

Some sets or designs are based on the story or the theme of the dance performance. Even some backdrops like flower garlands, or decorative banners are just a way to portray celebrations and cover up the dullness of the back curtain.

The second type is costume. I have written a separate blog on how to choose a perfect costume for a dance performance. Here’s the link.

The third one is a hand-held object. Now here is the real storytelling begins. There are a number of handheld props used during dance performances. Some are just used as an aesthetic object, while some have a specific significance. If you want me to write a separate blog on handheld props, leave a comment below.


Now we have gone through the types and purposes of using props in a dance performance, let us now dive into the tips which will help you while using them during the performance.

  1. Use contrast backdrop colors to the original curtains while choosing the set props. 
  2. Props are used as a storyteller, so choose and utilize the props mindfully.
  3. Hand-held objects should be light in weight and easy to hold. Heavy or uncomfortable props may add obstacles to the dance performance.
  4. Some dance types use costumes as their props. They should add storytelling as per the characterization if necessary. Like black for the antagonist character, and light colors for saints or protagonists.
  5. Always rehearse with the props before the performance.
  6. If you are using lamps or fire, think of the safety of the dancer.
  7. Use reusable props, that can be used over and over again

I hope this blog is useful for all the dancers and choreographers. Kindly leave a comment on which topic you want me to share my knowledge and experience through this platform. To know more about the tips to enhance your performance, and receive updates of our upcoming content Subscribe to our Newsletter!


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