A dancer’s skin is always exposed to heavy lights and cosmetics. Our skin fails to cope with those heavy rays and chemicals resulting in various skin problems.  Moreover, undergoing skincare treatment and purchasing skin care products burns a huge hole in your pocket. So, in this blog, I’m sharing some simple tips that are easy and affordable for a smooth and soft dancer’s skin.

First and foremost, here’s a disclaimer. Neither am I a beautician nor a skin professional. So, before you try anything remember to go through a patch test or consult your doctor if your skin is too damaged. Never ever try anything on your own. 

I’m only sharing my experiences which are commonly used by dancers and non-dancers and they really made a huge impact on my skin.

Internal skincare

Of course, your outer skin will remain damaged if your gut is not clean. It is always said that your clean and toxic-free gut is the reflection of your outer body. Problems like pimples, acne, oily skin, and hair fall are the result of an unhealthy gut and bad blood circulation. For that, you need to keep your internal body clean. So, is there any magical broom or vacuum cleaner that will help to cleanse your internal body?

Of course, there is. Number one. Water! Water solves 50% of all your skin problems. I have written a separate blog on Hydration Tips for dancers. Check it out!

Water is the carrier to wash out all your toxins leading to smooth and glowing skin.

Secondly, eat fibre. Yes, fibre is the magical broom that drags all your toxins into your body and cleanses your gut. So, start eating fruits and vegetables that are rich in fibre.

Oily foods like fast food and fizzy drinks not only damage your body internally but also damage your skin externally, resulting in pigmented skin, acne, dullness and dry scalp. So, it is strictly asked to avoid eating fast food.

 Daily Routine skincare tips

Our skincare routine completely depends on what climatic conditions we are staying in. I would not recommend a lot of oils or creams for people staying in coastal or humid climates. However, some basic steps that are required by every dancer or performer can be easily followed.


Every day, wash your face with mild face wash and cold water. If the climate is too cold, then some lukewarm water is allowed. But never use extremely hot water on your face as it can damage the skin. 

If you are not able to use face wash or soap on your face, then you can use only water. 

Now while washing your face, never ever splash water on your face. This is a very wrong technique to wash your face. Also, never rub your facewash on your face vigorously. Understand your oil zone and gently massage your face. Remember that, facewash and water are only to wash the dirt, oil and impurities of your outer skin.


After you apply facewash the pH level of your skin is changed. So, in order to bring it back to normal, toner is required. A natural toner is using rose water. Make a diluted rose water in a spray bottle. Or apply on your skin gently by adding a few drops on a cotton ball. 


A good quality moisturizer is a must for every skin. Understand your skin type and choose a perfect moisturiser. If your moisturiser has SPF which acts as a sunscreen lotion. Then it is best to use. 

Some experts say that even if your moisturiser has SPF, you must apply a different sunscreen lotion because only moisturizer is not enough. So, what do you think? Leave it in the comments below. 

These above basic skin care tips should be followed every day, and you will definitely notice the difference in your skin. Here are some more tips that a dancer should follow.

Other skin care tips

  1. Never step out in the sun without covering your skin. Use a scarf, cap, and sun gloves whenever you are stepping out.
  2. Remove your makeup every day by using a cleansing milk or makeup remover. After that follow the above skincare steps.
  3. Keep your pillows clean. A dirty pillow is the result of damaging your skin.
  4. Never, ever, use other people’s products. Every skin type is different, so every chemical might not work for every skin.
  5. Use a separate face towel and body towel. People make this huge mistake of using the same face towel and body towel. Body towel material is quite harsh on your face skin.
  6. Consult a dermatologist in case you are having uncontrolled damaged skin.


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